Boudoir Noir:
Continued treaties on the inner depths de le entité féminin
(of the feminine entity) with periodic observation of the properties of this enigmatic force, which permeates the physical,
spiritual, and other dimensions.
Techique - Current phase: Renderings of film photography images silver-halide murals (four images), two high
key and two low key). Satisfy your curiosity - let revealed to you the mysterious 'Boudoir Noir'.
Body Art
(Open Study)
Art and Imagery through the most precious material medium, the human body.
Technique - Digital/Silver-Halide Photography process, employing digital graphics manipulation techniques.
A collection of simple sketches primarily of the form. An excellent method of monitoring the ongoing evolution
of the Artist's eye and method. A treasure-able library in the years to come.
Technique - Charcoal and graphite render-able to high resolution digital imaging process.
There are images which capture the inner depths of innocence and wonder. There are images which are attainable
only at the threshold of event horizons, that infinitesimal point between then and now, like Gabriel's Horn, too definitive
to ignore, yet too expansive to comprehend. It is the point of the forbidden. We seek to capture these points as only
the Art of pure Photography may do.
Techniques - Varies.
My Visions of Kiesha
Kiesha -Kattie - Cathy - Katherine - Katarina - or any variation thereof. If your parents gave you that name,
then we are like kindred souls (at least so far). The Artist (Radcliffe) is profoundly effected by all such souls. Why?!!
A continued study of my visions of "Her" is necessitated. Explore with me this intrigue power of a name. Maybe
the Seer's know something about all this - why not my lens?
Techniques - (Current) Silver-halide imagery and charcoal and graphite rendering transferred to digital and
mixed media with accompanying discourse (on occasions).
The DC Street Documentary Project
(Open Study)
Washington DC,
the Nation's Capitol (US) and a vibrant but caustically political city is currently undergoing a placid revolution - gentrification.
Walk with the Artist as he pervades this community and captures its dispositions, attitudes, and activitie.
The Artist will keep an eye on those affected by the torrents of gentrification as progressively digress into 'obscurity
in plain view'. With an approach off-shot from the concept of the Forbidden, this documentary assignment should yield valuable
fodder of understanding and guidance for the next lowest man on the totem pole, or the spiritual pilgrim for that matter.
Technique - Film to digital in Black & White. Premium Lambda Digital Prints via National Geographic Digital
Imaging facilities.